Calling all proud parents: We’re looking for 50 adorable faces, like this one!
The Paper Source Design team is developing our 2011 birth announcements, and your little bundle of joy could be the featured inspiration in our catalogs, online and in stores.
To Enter:
Become a Fan by “liking” the Paper Source Facebook Page
Send a favorite hi-resolution photograph of your infant to
Must submit by April 1st
Image requirements:
Your photograph should be print quality (ideally 300 dpi) and approximately 5″ x 7″ when printed. We encourage you to submit either candid or staged shots of your infant; however, we insist that you own the copyrights to any image submitted. A photo release and consent form will be required for all selected photographs, so double check if submitting images that are not your own. Infants be should younger than 12-months-old when photographed.
The Design Team will review all submissions in concert with the product line. Fifty photographs will be featured and one family will be selected at random to receive a $100 Paper Source gift card.
We will announce the gift card winner and the launch of the 2011 Paper Source birth announcements on the PS Blog this summer!
Is there a limit to how many photos each family can submit? If you submit more than one photo, should each be sent in a separate email? Thanks!
My beautiful smiley son, Jacob, at 13 weeks. He’s had killer dimples since birth and is such a happy chappy he works the camera very very well x
What a fun contest!! Can you submit more than one photograph?
Please, only one email submission per household. Up to two photographs of your infant will be included in our juried selection, but your household will only have one chance to win the $100 gift card drawing.
Sounds fun! Does the baby have to be close to the same age now as in the picture submitted.
Does the photo need to be current? If my child is older than 12 months, can I submit a photo from when she was younger?
Will you contact the winning person by email?
We ask that the photograph feature an infant who is younger than one year old. There is no way for us to monitor the current age of any child.
The fans whose images are selected for our product line will be contacted to complete a photo release and consent form, prior to launch. When the birth announcement line launches, the winner of our $100 gift card drawing will be revealed in a photo card feature on the PS Blog. We will then contact you directly regarding your prize details.
So- we can only send one email but up to two photos in that email?
This calls for a photo shoot!! Hope the twins are up for it tomorrow
Can’t wait to submit some cute ones!!
Does it have to be my infant’s photograph ? Or it can be my relative’s ?
Can Canadians enter? I’m back in Canada now, but I used to live down the street from the Coolidge Corner store and I love Paper Source!!