Until recently, if you wanted to experience the rewards of letterpressing your own cards you needed to acquire a quite large (up to 4,000 lbs!) and quite expensive (up to $10,000!) machine. We don’t know about you, but we don’t have that much space in our dining room and we’re not sure we can commit to living on ramen to pay it off!
No need to go to any extreme measure–the Evolution machine now comes with a letterpress kit; making this an accessible and super easy art form!
If you’re curious to see how this works or just interested in dabbling in a new technique, join us for our Letterpress Stationery Collection Workshop this Saturday, August 23rd. During the workshop you’ll learn how to use the Evolution machine to emboss, letterpress and create your own stationery set. Your five card collection will also come with a pocket folio and textured accents like linen and wood. Added bonus: you can save 10% off the Evolution machine when you take the class! Sign up here. We hope to see you Saturday!